Mission in Focus: featuring Catholic Relief Services
This webinar represents the second in a new series that explores the innovations of Catholic non-profits as they advance their missions around the world. In this webinar, Jennifer Poidatz and James Bond of Catholic Relief Services join Paul Schott Stevens, CIS trustee & former CEO of the ICI, for a dynamic conversation about their work and how CRS has advanced its’ mission over 75 years while continuing to express Catholic Social Teaching in the organization’s identity.
00:00 – Webinar opens, attendees join
00:20 – Tom Lanctot, CIS CEO, welcome and introductions
03:10 – Opening prayer by Archbishop Desmond Tutu
04:00 – Paul Schott Stevens, moderator opening
04:35 – Welcome Jennifer Poidatz, background & why a career at Catholic Relief Services
06:00 – Welcome James Bond, background & why a career at Catholic Relief Services
07:00 – CRS organizational history and its’ evolution over 75 years
09:50 – CRS’ growth, resources and outreach
12:30 – How does CRS build and develop partnerships?
14:40 – What distinguishes CRS as a relief organization?
19:40 – How does CRS respond to a protracted crisis?
23:10 – How do you measure impact or success at CRS?
25:10 – Can you describe how the organization has changed during your time at CRS?
28:30 – Who are the people and societies you serve?
31:40 – Can you share how CRS expresses its’ Catholic identity?
40:00 – How can we support the work of CRS and advance its” mission?
42:00 – Q: Can you elaborate on CRS’ impact investing program and themes?
44:50 – Q: How has climate change affected your work?
47:20 – Q: How is CRS harnessing technology?
50:50 – Q: Are you aligning your programs to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
53:10 – Q: Can you describe how you work with volunteer groups?
54:20 – Q: How do you keep safe while working in challenging regions such as Afghanistan?
59:00 – Thank you and closing