Navigating Investment Challenges for Catholic University Endowments

In this webinar, moderated by Paulita Pike (Managing Partner, Ropes & Gray), Craig Husting (CIO, Public School & Education Employee Retirement Systems of Missouri), and Bob DiMeo (Chairman & Co-Founder, Fiducient Advisors) share actionable insights and strategies to help Catholic institutional endowments navigate investment challenges while balancing risk, returns, and faith-based values.


00:00 – Welcome, opening prayer, and Introductions

03:00 – Governance for Catholic Institutions

05:40 – Advice for smaller Catholic institutions with fewer institutions

10:35 – Asset allocation for endowments

18:03 – How to establish a meaningful benchmark

21:15 – Q: What do you think about replacing hedge funds with buffered ETFs?

25:43 – Catholic alignment in institutional investment portfolios

29:43 – Q: What size does an endowment need to be to invest in alternatives?

31:49 – Q: What is a long-term investment period within which to think of alternatives?

32:37 – Hedge funds as a reducer of risk

34:12 – Q: How do you see the role of active vs. index in aligning with Catholic principles?

38:58 – Q: How do fiduciaries incorporate Catholic values into due diligence when thinking about alternatives?

40:45 – Q: How can investment committees effectively work with consultants to identify and implement Catholic-aligned alternatives?

41:57 – Best practices for monitoring performance of alternatives

46:50 – How to approach conversations with trustees and non-investment stakeholders regarding Catholic values

48:41 – Meeting both long-term growth and short-term spending needs

53:25 – Advice on building a Catholic endowment

55:10 – Thank you and closing


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