Sustainable Grace: Episode 22- 10 Pitfalls of Building Your Catholic Foundation and How to Address Them
In this podcast, we highlight ten common pitfalls of building a Catholic foundation and how to address them. This is a continuation of our previous podcast, on Strengthening and Structuring Catholic Foundations and Trusts. In this session, you will hear from Catholic fiduciaries and industry experts sharing practical advice on the ten most common mistakes to avoid when building a Catholic foundation, and offering best practice solutions. Catholic Investment Services’ Zela Astarjian, Managing Director, is joined by Paulita Pike, CIS Trustee and Partner at Ropes and Gray, Elizabeth Tomlin, Archdiocese for the Military Services, John Schlageter, JKT Group, and Cory Howat, Catholic Community Foundation for the Archdiocese of New Orleans.
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